Wide-Ranging Portfolio

E3D presents a wide-ranging portfolio suitable for conventional drugs, biological products, and biosimilar drugs. Our product offering ranges from disposable auto-injectors for prefilled syringes and vials for standard and high-viscosity drugs, to mechanical and electronic reusable auto-injectors for prefilled syringes and cartridges. E3D also offers a platform of On-Body Patch-Pumps for accurate changeable delivery rates or controlled rate bolus delivery, for small and large volumes.

This portfolio, in combination with our depth of experience in customization, gives pharmaceutical companies the flexibility to find solutions that meet different needs – all within our broad product line.

Our wide-ranged product portfolio
includes a variety of solutions for any need.

What is your need?

for Pre-Filled Syringes

Flexi-Q PFS

Fully Disposable Auto-Injector
for drugs in Vials

Flexi-Q DV

Fully Disposable Auto-Injector
for Pre-Filled Syringes

Flexi-Q HV

Fully Disposable Auto-Injector for Low to High Viscosity liquid drugs
2-Step Fully Disposable Auto-Injector

Flexi-Q EAI

2-Step Fully Disposable Auto-Injector

Flexi-Q CAI

for Pre-Filled Syringes (PFS)

Flexi-Q mMU

Reusable Mechanical Auto-Injector for Drugs in PFS
for biological drugs in prefilled syringes

Flexi-Q eMU-P

Reusable Electrical Auto-Injector for Drugs in PFS
for Biological Drugs in Cartridges

Flexi-Q eMU-C

Reusable Electrical Auto-Injector for Drugs in Cartridges
for subcutaneous administration of biologic drugs

OBI-1 Wearable Injector

Bolus wearable Injector

eLVD (Patch Pump)

Long duration subcutaneous administration of large dose biologics